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Learning absolutely can be a fantastic hobby!


Learning Fantastic hobby!


Think of learning as gathering stuff – you gather knowledge, wisdom, skills, and understanding. A hobby is something you do for fun, like playing games or painting. Learning is also a hobby because it's enjoyable and rewarding.

But learning is different from other hobbies because you have so many options. You can learn about things you already like, or try new stuff to find new interests.

When learning is your hobby, you're investing in yourself. It's not that other hobbies aren't good, but learning helps you do other hobbies better because you learn how to learn faster.

Learning gives you knowledge, which helps you understand things better and solve problems. It lets you use your skills in cool ways and gives you an advantage in life. Plus, once you learn something, you can keep using that knowledge forever.

When learning is your hobby, you train your brain. With practice, you get better at learning, just like with sports or games. Learning without pressure is fun and makes you feel proud when you figure something out.

Learning skills are useful in real life. When you can teach yourself, you can do anything. It helps with your job, relationships, and decision-making. You become more valuable at work and have more freedom in life.

There are so many things to learn, so why stop at just one hobby? Why not know many things and keep collecting knowledge and skills? Choosing learning as your hobby opens up endless possibilities.

Learning Fantastic hobby!

Forget boring hobbies! Make learning your new favorite thing

"Learning hobbies" is something many people look for online now. You can learn music, languages, or pottery. But what if you just decided to learn a lot of stuff, whether it's useful or not, this year?

I've always enjoyed learning. It's fun and makes me feel good when I discover new things.

When we start working, we learn a lot in the beginning. But, if we don't keep learning, our skills can stop growing.

Sometimes, we stop learning because no one tells us to or we think we don't have time.

But learning is one of the best hobbies you can have in 2024.

There's always time to learn. Instead of watching TV every night, you could watch a documentary or podcast.

Watching shows for fun is okay too, but we don't learn much from them.

Learning doesn't have to be boring like it was in school. It can be exciting and help us discover new talents.

As adults, we can choose what we want to learn and when. It's awesome!

Learning Fantastic hobby!

Learning boosts confidence and resilience

Learning can be tough. Our brains like sticking to what they know, which can be great in chaotic situations or when you need to keep things simple. 

But if you're safe and everything's okay, trying something new can be good.

When you learn something new, you often get really good at it quickly. That boosts your confidence and makes you want to keep going.

That feeling is called "intrinsic motivation." It's what keeps you going even when learning gets tough.

Intrinsic motivation helps you keep trying, like learning a tricky guitar chord or finishing a painting even if it's not perfect.

By doing things we enjoy and sticking with them, we become better at handling life's ups and downs. This helps us feel more confident and less stressed in the long run, which affects other parts of our lives too.

Learning makes you more cool and fun to talk to.

I used to feel nervous at social events because I didn't know what to talk about. But when I started learning new things, it got easier. Learning gives me something interesting to talk about, like a new skill I'm learning. And it turns out, lots of people are interested in what I'm learning or are learning similar things themselves.

It's surprising how much people want to chat about your hobbies. For example, a cute top is more exciting when you make it yourself. Talking about money is more fun when you know about stocks from teaching yourself. And that bread at the party tastes better when you know the host spent days making it from scratch.

Learning helps you meet new friends

Let's talk about my knitting club. Learning to knit brought me to this group. We all learn the same things, like how to fix mistakes and the softness of Merino wool.

Learning brings us together because it's challenging. Making friends makes learning more fun because you're not alone. We learn from each other and get inspired to become even better.

And the learning journey goes on!

Learning Fantastic hobby!

Learning brings new challenges into our lives

Hobbies can cost a lot. There are fees for book clubs, gyms, and buying materials.

Learning something new can take a long time and be frustrating, especially if it's something you're not used to.

It can be scary to try new things and meet skilled people, even if it's just for a short time.

I've felt that fear too. I'm still feeling it. It's like I might as well be buying property.

If money is stopping you from trying new hobbies, look for ways to save money where it matters:

Here are some tips to save money on hobbies:

1. Buy used art supplies from thrift stores. They often have a lot of materials like yarn at low prices.

2. Sign up for gym or studio newsletters to know about sales.

3. Look for cheaper hobbies related to what you want to do. For example, if you can't afford a gym membership,

try running or doing home workouts.

4. Set clear goals for what you want to achieve in your hobby. Focus on what you really want to learn, not

everything else. This keeps your practice meaningful and helps you stay motivated.

5. Challenges in learning are normal and help us grow. Pushing through tough times builds resilience and makes

us stronger.

Just trust the process and keep going!

5 Learning Techniques

Learning new stuff can happen in a bunch of different ways. Here are five common ones:

1. Reading

2. Doing

3. Practicing

4. Discussing

5. Experiencing

  1. Reading is a really common way people learn new stuff nowadays. It's great for learning about things where
  2. knowing stuff is more important than doing stuff. Like history, science, psychology, business, and lots
  3. more. Even if you need skills, reading can still teach you a ton of stuff.
  4. Doing things is a great way to learn skills. It's perfect for activities like drawing, painting, cooking, woodworking, sculpting, and lots more.
  5. Practicing means doing something over and over again to get really good at it. It's helpful for learning skills that need careful movements, remembering things, or doing stuff automatically. Like practicing music scales and chords, painting brush strokes, solving math problems, and lots of physical activities like sports and dancing.
  6. Discussing what you've learned is a way to test your understanding and to practice explaining things. It helps you remember what you've learned and sometimes leads to new ideas. When you discuss what you've learned, you reinforce it in your mind and sometimes come up with new ways of thinking about it.
  7. Experiencing is when you learn by actually doing something, especially in activities where making mistakes could be risky. It's common in sports like gymnastics, diving, football, basketball, martial arts, and skydiving. With safety measures in place, you can make mistakes and learn from them safely.

Using these methods, along with others, can make learning fun and rewarding for everyone.

Learning Fantastic hobby!


Since I'm posting this on Medium, maybe you already enjoy learning. But who knows? Maybe you use Medium

to avoid learning things you've always wanted to know. If you stop reading now and try that hobby you've been

interested in, you might feel really good.

Sure, it's not as exciting as TikTok, but you'll get something even better: a steady supply of good feelings that you can access anytime.

If you, like me, picked knitting as your new thing to learn, you'll have a cozy scarf to wear when you're done.

What have you been learning lately? Share in the comments!

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