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Exploring the Pros and Cons of Meditation




Meditations have been practiced since ancient times and this traditional practice has come to be followed to a great

extent worldwide, from psychological to physical benefits. Along with stress relief, meditation focuses on the

mind, and many people today are turning towards meditation to have better mental and overall health. Though

meditation has more advantages than disadvantages, one must accept some negative sides. So, let's know in

simple words about the benefits and disadvantages of meditation.

Pros of Meditation


1. Relieves Stress:

When meditating, we are focusing on either our breath, thoughts, or a calming mantra. This practice can make our mind slow down and let it relax. Other frequent meditations have been able to decline cortisol in the body, which is known to be a hormone for stress. Mostly, people feel calm and at ease after meditation.


2. Enhances Concentration and Attention

It improves the concentration power by focusing the mind properly. One can train the brain to live in the present, thus avoiding unnecessary distractions in daily routines, study hours, or even during working hours. Regular meditators usually comment that they can do things much more promptly since they can take a longer time to do one thing.

3. Improves Emotional Health:

Adding to that, simple meditation can help a person look at life in a positive light. It makes one more attuned to one's emotions and thoughts, which keeps all the negativities in one's mind from overpowering. Mindfulness is that meditation activity that allows one to experience his or her emotions without giving in to silly reactions. This leads to assisting one to deal with anxiety as well as depression, thus leading to emotional well-being.

4. Makes the Person Self-Aware:

Meditation will make the person introspective. The practice of meditation makes the person study his or her behavior, thought process, and reactions. Increased awareness brings a better understanding of an individual and subconscious improvement in one's habits. Meditation is a way of growing as a person and living a more aware life for many individuals.

5. Helps in Improving Sleep:

For many people, the most common problem is sleep deprivation, where one spends most of the night either fighting to fall asleep or having a hard time keeping sleep. Meditation can come in handy in such cases since it calms and relaxes the body; and if performed before sleep, it aids the mind into even calmer zones. This makes people sleep well, thus waking up refreshed and not so tired the following day. Sleep meditations or guided meditations for sleeping are effective for people who have insomnia.


Cons of Meditation

1. Time and Patience Conquer All:

Meditation doesn't come quickly and impatiently. Indeed, lots of people quit meditating because they don't feel anything when it starts with them. It only takes weeks or even months before there is any "feeling" of real change happening from regular practice. The impatient nature of this type of person will make them give up the idea of meditation if the return is not more immediate.

2. Not for the novice to learn:

A beginner finds it pretty easy to be sitting still, clear-minded, but indeed very tough. The human mind is of its nature busy creating thoughts either about the past or about the future. It seems like a challenging task to clear those thoughts. A beginner turns frustrated because he/she cannot attain a calm state immediately. This can sometimes make them leave meditation too early as well.


3. May Induce Unpleasant Mood-states:

Meditation can improve quality of life in terms of emotions but at the same time, it may lead to uncomfortable emotions. You may achieve quiet time and inner concentration if you control your mind; however, you may hit upon some unprocessed emotions or a painful memory. For some, it becomes unbearable or too much to handle. In the absence of proper guidance or support, people face difficulties in going through emotions while meditating.

4. No Substitute for Professional Counseling:

So, it can be a useful supplement for the treatment of mental disorders but will not replace professional therapy or proper medical treatment. Indeed, some patients rely only on meditation and do not look for actual assistance in curing severe depression or anxiety so they may delay proper medical care. Advice from professionals could be an excellent tool to ensure one takes proper care of his or her mental health, and it should not be replaced by this.

5. Needs Adequate Environment:

Meditation goes through with success if conducted in a peaceful and quiet environment. Not all individuals can have such an environment, however. Noise, and distractions, among other interfering elements, make meditation difficult and meaningless. Chances for meditation can face the individuals living in busy environments where they find it hard to get the right place and time.



Meditation provides one with various benefits ranging from the release of tension in work, to being able to concentrate and further self-awareness. But of course, it does require some time patience, and commitment to be regular with the exercise. For many people though, it is not easy. A beginner might have to go through many painful emotions. Yet, more people assert that unless you persevere, the benefits of meditation overpower its shortcomings. If you want to gain peace of mind, restful sleep, or emotional balance, then meditation is an ideal tool for your daily life.